
By using the Gnos Physica program you accept the following disclaimer. If you have a history of seizures, are epileptic, wear a pacemaker or have any other medical condition, consult your medical professional before starting the program. Do not use the program if you are pregnant or below 13 years of age. Do not drive or work with any machinery while listening to a session. The Gnos Physica program is not a replacement for medical or psychological treatment and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. We do not express, imply or intend any medical claims. Although all statements on the website are accompanied by research or user feedback, no statements have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The user of the Gnos Physica empowerment program accepts all risk and waives any claims against Gnos Physica, Kokoro Scientific Inc. and/or Rios Quantitative LLC and its affiliates for any injury. The purchaser or user also accepts the liabilities when other people have access to the program. Gnos Physica, Kokoro Scientific Inc. and/or Rios Quantitative LLC and its affiliates are in no case liable for any damages from the use, misuse or defects of the program and its documentation or instructions.